Well actually a few of, one of those days!
We have had some sort of virus run through a few, well quite a few of the children and I and those children not sick, have spent most of the last two days and three nights helping our sweet ones who have been constantly vomiting.
It has been a constant round of trying to make them comfortable and doing infection control each time we empty a sick bucket. We have been trying to keep fluids down but they keep coming up again no matter how small a sip we ask the little ones to have.
Our sweet little Trahaearn has been most clingy to his mama and while I so love snuggling him in while he is sick especially, I mean who can resist that sweet little voice calling out 'mama. my mum mum mama'
It is times like these though that I am so grateful for those extra helping hands of the older children who can snuggle another sad little dumpling or take a sip or water or change some one who did not make the bucket.
So tonight after finally getting the sick to bed, and fixing up the baby again, I spent time in the kitchen cleaning up the dinner mess that we had not gotten around to.
I admit I was quite content just fixing up my new milk kefir grains, straining my old ones and hoping they will make it back. Rescuing the overflowing sourdough starter and then finally washing up all the dishes and pots that would not fit in the dishwasher.
I was able to pray the rosary with the app on my i-phone while doing these simple yet rewarding jobs.
I was reminded of the many times I have spent late evening preparing food and mixing up special treat for those most precious to me and I know that this is where I love to be.........
The kitchen which for me is the heart of my home, the place where life is at it's busiest and yet most productive for me. A place where I can fulfill my vocation of wife, mama and homemaker.
A place that I am proud to have not only physically but emotionally too.
So before I check on my loved ones before turning in for the
Blessings to you and your homes,

Can you give more info on the rosary on your i-phone as this would be so good for me.
Dear Gae,
I pray your dear family is feeling better soon.
God bless,
Sorry to hear that some of your family are so ill. Hopefully everyone is feeling much better soon.
Dear Gae,
As we near our American Thanksgiving holiday this is a beautiful reminder! I have often prayed "Lord I give you the good, bad and the ugly of today" and sometimes just said, "Thank you for the good, the bad and the ugly of today."
I pray that your family has a quick recovery from the virus and everyone is back on their feet soon! While I just have five children I am beginning to see the benefits associated during times of trials-how they get to practice the works of mercy right in their own homes-feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of the sick....oh, how my oldest two have been taking care of me these past two years, but it now seems like I am on the road to recovery. By the way, I love the picture you used of the goat peeking his head through the door!!!
God's blessings,
Dear Gae,
As we near our American Thanksgiving holiday this is a beautiful reminder! I have often prayed "Lord I give you the good, bad and the ugly of today" and sometimes just said, "Thank you for the good, the bad and the ugly of today."
I pray that your family has a quick recovery from the virus and everyone is back on their feet soon! While I just have five children I am beginning to see the benefits associated during times of trials-how they get to practice the works of mercy right in their own homes-feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of the sick....oh, how my oldest two have been taking care of me these past two years, but it now seems like I am on the road to recovery. By the way, I love the picture you used of the goat peeking his head through the door!!!
God's blessings,
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts we are still struggling with this as some are getting better, some are quite ill and others are still getting sick.
Dear Anna,
The app I use is called Family Rosary It does not have every prayer but I like it because it has an audio that i can put on and pray with
I hope this helps
God Bless
Gae, thank you so much that is exactly what I am looking for. I shall look for it for myself. I pray that all will be well soon in your home and life will resume normalcy for you all.
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