Sunday, December 12, 2010

Plans for Our Lady of Guadalupe

Am I not here who am your Mother?
Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the fountain of your joy?
Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the cradle of my arms?
~ Blessed Virgin Mary to Juan Diego

Our plans for the day mostly revolve around our Feast Day Tea. WE originally started this after seeing it on Cottage Blessings by the very talented Alice.
We have had this for many years and love it.

In fact after St Nicholas, Our Lady of Guadalupe is our favourite feast, mostly due to the food.
We will have this Tea time for Dinner and we will have Burritos for our lunch time meal.

Some  ideas for the day are below:
Our Lady of Guadalupe colouring
Charlotte's version of OLOG - one of my favourites
Loyola Press colouring
Paper Dali colouring

Women for Faith and Family
Very interesting site
OLOG Shrine
More information
Patroness of America
More Information

Very lovely and interesting reenactment
An Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe protecting the children from the snares of the devil.

We will be back with some images of our day spent together.
Happy Feast Day!!!

If you would like link up your Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast day plans or celebrations go here to thankevann

Blessings to you and your homes,


Anonymous said...

We live near Mexico now Gae and our church had a Huge festival to celebrate the feast. A live mariachi band I hope I spelled that right. Traditional dress. The Priest did a spanish mass also and then after there was wonderful food. I had a fabulous Tamale ~Your family would have loved this ~I probably should have took some pictures lol!! I did not think of it though ~I did not know much about this but it was interesting to hear the Priest today speak about the story and what happened. Blessings Love Heather

evann said...

Thanks so much, Gae, for joining your great post into the O+L+G Feast Day Link Up! ¡Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!

Patty said...

Hi Gae! I just linked up (a little late). I am stopping in to see what others did to celebrate this beautiful feast day. Advent blessings!


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