In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.
I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.
I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.
May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.
So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.
If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
May God Bless you this week.
♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥
Enjoying our Babymoon here still on the 14th June by doing ♥ ♥
It seems we have yet another colicky/windy baby who is unhappy from this. It seems to be a very boy thing in our family as our girl babies don't seem to be affected by it. I need to look into some treatment for this. Does anyone have tried and true remedies for baby colic?
I am still trying to get a great tutorial and wearing site for Moby Wraps so I can buy the fabric and make this for Trahaearn. I think this will help his colic as he loves to be held upright.....all the time, which I don't mind at all but I would like to be hands free to achieve some basic things: like feeding and watering the troops etc.
I have the Baptism cake in the oven right now and just need to buy the trimmings for the cake to decorate it and plan some food items for the lunch we will have after the Baptism on Sunday.
Of course this Sunday is Trinity Sunday and I am sure we will not be planning any special celebrations this year. I really dislike feast days on the weekend as they tend not to be celebrated in a big way in our home.
We are expecting guests this week both Stephen's parents and dear Anna-Lisa as well as the return of Braedon (after being stranded in Victoria due to the Ash cloud and no return flights home) on Friday as well as Kynan for his Uni Holidays. It will be lovely to have our family complete again.
I am trying to balance all my interests still. I am obviously getting computer time but haven't managed much craft or reading time except for a little crocheting. I am still feeling my way with times and our poor fussy little dumpling.
I am giving thanks for the many blessings in my life as often as I can during each and every day.
Praying you all find peace and joy in your own homes this week,

Dear Gae,
My last two babies have been colicky. We found with both of them that their atlas vertebraes were out of alignment from their vaginal delivery. We found a chiropractor trained to do adjustments on babies and it helped tremendously. At first we had to go three times a week because their necks would slide back out of alignment, but within two-three months we were down to once a week or once every two weeks. They now get checked out about once a month since they can go out of alignment from falls, etc. The chiropractor team that we found is very honest and will tell us if they are in alignment-and won't perform an adjustment just to "make money"-which I greatly appreciate. One uses an activator tool on the baby and one does it with his hands while holding her on his lap.
Also, our Anna also had really bad reflux. Even though I changed my diet and we were seeing the chiropractor she would still spit up on us at ten months old, sometimes several times a day. We saw a homeopathic doctor who did a two second hienated hernia adjustment on her belly and she hasn't spit up on us since (that was over 14 months ago!)
We also did the swaddling and suggestions from "The Happiest Baby on the Block" video/book-my husband swaddles better than I do-they always seemed to work their arms free when I did it.
I hope some of these suggestions help! Will keep you in my prayers!
God's blessings,
meant to send you this link before, our ABA sling, I love it; upright, hands are free and D. and children can also easily use it.
I haven't had a colicky baby, X was reflux, so hard to see him in pain and I nearly went insane with 3 little ones. I controlled it by diet, with him I had to eliminate ALL dairy products, even today he has dairy intolerances.
Oh I also bought a powder from the health food shop that the naturopath put us onto, I gave it to him before feeding, it coated his little oesophagus and helped reduce the burning. Different child, long road to get there.
I have no tidbits for baby stuff as all of mine are grown now and I am miles away from that. But I will hold your little one in prayer that he will be calmed.
So nice of you to host this meme, even when you are trying to find restfulness for your sweet baby boy.
Our Gracie was EXTREMELY colic and the only thing that would give her reprieve was to lie her down in her little bassinet and leave a hair dryer hanging in the room and turned on, nearby! This seemed to soothe her for a while. Also...no bright lights or extreme "sensory" environments...she needed to be tightly swaddled but didn't always want held...in fact, sometimes laying her down was what would help the most. I hope your sweet little one finds his rhythm soon:) xo
Somehow the boys seem to come with colick in my family also. With our last son, we also took him to a chiropractor and then I switched to a Lactose Free formula, even tho he was not lactose intolerant. I kept him on this formula until he was 8 months, then slowly switched to regular formula. I wish I would have know this with my other baby boys, but he was our last. Don't wait to long to do something about the colick. This worked for me, plus alot of prayer. I believe God also gives us wisdom in making decisions for our little colick ones, but also it was a time I had to totally rely on God and that is what brings us close to him. God Bless and I will pray for you and your precious one! They grow up so quickly!
Gae, I'm so sorry your little man is colicky :-(
That's no fun for anyone!
I will certainly keep him in my prayers.
I've been wondering when his Baptism was going to be.
Looking forward to seeing your lovely photos :-)
Sunday will be such a special day for you all! A blessed day indeed.
I know you must be very excited about all the family coming together..but I hope you don't get too worn out!
Have you seen this Moby Wrap site?
Perhaps it might answer some questions for you :-)
Have a very blessed week, my dear friend.
love in Jesus..Trish
Aw poor little guy, and poor mama. Colic can be such a challenge. Hang in there.
My older daughter, baby 2, was very unhappy with reflux and several other issues. She slept best in an angled bouncer seat that had a gentle vibration. The best I found was one for $20, not one of those gigantic, expensive contraptions that does a zillion things.
I tried a few wraps but could never seem to get them just right, though I know that works well for many people. I hope you find one that's helpful.
I also used Colic Calm for my last 3 babies when they were fussy. It really seemed to help if I used is sparingly. It's all natural and has vegetable charcoal in it. The color can be alarming because it is black, but the taste is pleasant and my kiddos seemed to like it. You can find it here if you are interested:http://www.coliccalm.com/order.htm
This brand is different than the ones you see in the store that don't have vegetable charcoal. It really works!
Blessings to you.
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