I am finally making some progress on my granny squares for my crochet blanket but only after having learnt how to crochet while holding our precious Trahaearn in my arms. This has been a learning curve for me and I have crocheted about eight center pieces (hard to see in the photo- they are in the middle) as I find these the hardest to do and now will just work on theme one at a time.
I have yet to try knitting with the baby and so will try that soon.
The books, yes books as I tend to like to read more than one at a time I am reading are
You Are your Child's First Teacher
Simplicity Parenting and
Parenting with Grace
Frankly I think these are probably the best books on Parenting I have read in all our years and collections of parenting books. They cover such a wide variety of subjects but with a very gentle and loving approach that I admire.
I hope you are able to pop over to Ginny's blog Small Things and have a look at all the great books and projects happening.
Blessings to you and your homes,

Hello Gae,
Love the colors in your granny squares--peaceful colors:-) I have read all those books, we must have the same taste...LOL!
Beautiful colors. When doing motifs with more than one color I will find myself with lots of them in different stages as well!
God bless
Beautiful Granny Squares! I made a giant granny square lap blanket for my first crochet project. I loved it and it turned out so pretty that I gave it away as a gift. You've inspired me and I think I would like to make it again and this time keep it. Hope you are recovering well and enjoying your babymoon! God bless you, Gae.
Beautiful grannies!
Thanks for stopping by. I'm following your blog now. You must be one busy mama ;)
I could not believe it when I saw the book You Are Your Child's First Teacher. The author, Rahima, was my homebirth midwife for many years! I know that Waldorf education was another one of her passions. She does not live around here anymore--moved across the country--so, I have a new midwife now.
I have read the book also, and liked it.
Crafting with a babe-in-arms is a learned art, isn't it? :) Love your project!
Dear Ladies,
Thank you for the lovley comments and encouragment. I am really enjoying the granny squares and love crocheting. I am so lucky to have finally learnt it. What a skill to have missed out on for my younger children. Enjoy your own projects too
God Bless
Dear Gae,
Just wanted to let you know that baby Libby was born safe and sound about six hours ago....after a long six months of bedrest, the scare of her being born breech, our ob made it just in time thankfully bc the cord was wrapped around her neck FOUR times! After a brief round of oxygen she seems to be doing fine, but of course I can't sleep! Thank you for your prayers. I look forward to continuing to read your blog as I slowly resume trying to live an active life again:)
God's blessings,
Beautiful granny squares! I love the colors. :-)
You'll have to post the finished project!
Blessings to you and yours,
Anne ♥
Gae - you could write your own parenting book with your experience!! You're an expert no doubt!
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