"Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern--it will come out a rose by and by. Life is like that...one stitch at a time, taken patiently." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
Am I too impatient with my life?
Have I missed too many stitches for my work to be a beautiful pattern.
Our lives are so stagnant and still, as we await so many answers to too many questions.
There arise difficulties within from the constant drain on thoughts and hearts that need to be re-newed.
I wait and work my needle into the pattern and see life passing by with no progress. I falter more and more daily and despair of the rose ever coming into the pattern of my life.
Some days it seems so wearing and grim, my fabric is dirty from too many words said from hearts that are sore.
If only the pattern had more explicit instructions!
But alas I walk by faith and my faith is sorely tested.
I yearn to have a beautiful pattern that has been worked over dilegently, and yet I struggle and fall to often.
Oh Lord help me to work the pattern dutifully to yield the beautiful rose.
Blessings to you and your homes,

I know how often it feels as if my "needlework" is fraying and I've dropped a stitch or two. But God sees the complete picture and it is beautiful. As flawed as we are, we are His handiwork and in His time, He will make all things beautiful.
Gae, it is a monastic premise that when we feel God is 'distant'.. that is actually when He is closest to us and doing a deep work in our souls.
Sometimes we lose sight of Him as we falteringly travel up the mountain of His holiness.
But He is just ahead..around the bend..paving the way.
Don't let the shadows overwhelm you.
Soon you will see Him again in all the brightness of His most adorable Being!!
Rest in His love for you and trust that you are in His favour..doing what pleases Him most - loving as only you can!
God bless you..Trish
This is a beautiful open and heartfelt post..
Our lord works most in us when we offer up our hearts and insecurities to him..
I am sure that your rose tapestry is beautiful from both sides.. each stitch each prayer and tear sown in perfect colour and order.. he knows and he hears.. so much more than we do.. he knows us better than we know ourselves.. our lives offered up as sacrifices to him and our families..
Thankfully he loves us with all our imperfections, he is the strength in our weakness..
all praise and glory to him
Hugs and blessings,
joining you in your prayer
Thank you for your prayers and encouragment. It has been difficult these past weeks especially and I value your friendship very much
Have a beautiful week.
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