The Month of Our Lady
St Joseph the Worker (1st)
Finding of the Holy Cross (3rd)
St Monica (4th)
Blessed Damien of Molokai (10th)
Our Lady of Fatima (13th)
Ascension of Our Lord (13) Plans from last year
Pentecost (23rd) Plans from Last year
Mary Queen of the Apostles (23rd)
Our Lady Help of Christians (24th)
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (30th)
The Feast of the Visitation (31st)

Create meal plans for the month
Use Autumn themed foods for the month.
Have cleaning routine working efficiently
Use for cooking and eat citrus often
Clean the kitchen chairs
Have boots cleaned/polished weekly before Church
Keep the car tidy

Make a crown for Mary and have a May Crowning
Make a lot of May crafts in honour of Our Lady: Ideas here
Make Whitsunday couple from The nature corner
Make Whitsun doves for Pentecost
Make windmills and kites for Ascension
Make an Autumn Fairy
Make gnomes
Make an apple drying rack
Dry apples on home made rack
Make felted acorns and pumpkins

Harvest fair
Collect Autumn leaves
Do leaf rubbings
Do bark rubbings
Have a bonfire
Observe migrating bird life
Watch for Winter preparations in animals behaviour
Go for an Autumn walk on the beach and collect nature finds

Early rising FOR ALL
Have all preparation for lessons done the night before.
Finish uploading and getting up to date the slide shows on the side bars( so much faster now with new Internet)
Use Moran's daily rhythm boards all the time. ( for Myffwyn and Corbyn too)
Read to little ones first and get them organised for the day
Have our Alphabet Path Themes running more organised
Use Montessori activities daily, especially for fill in time.
Focus on daily rhythm in our family situation
Keep my desk/work area tidy daily
Have all the feast day crafts prepared ahead of time

Have "the bookcase" set up with theme for the month -- Our Lady (This is last years Display)
Daily Rosary
Attempt daily exercise walks ..again
Keep family altar fresh
Keep the Autumn Seasons table interesting and tidy
Have sit down together lunch
Read Bible and have read aloud time at night
Weekly cooking day of goodies
Tea time once a month with dressed up clothes and poetry
Monthly "Show time"

Learn the Rosary parts off by heart (for those who don't know);
The Mysteries, the reading and meditation and the fruit of the Mystery
Do as many Liturgical and feast days as we can fit in
Use Catholic Mosaic books for the month
Read from the Autumn season basket
Keep on track with the Plans for Term 2
Encourage Reading Lists to be kept up with
Confirmation Preparation
Learn Autumn poems
Paint weekly
Learning for little ones: Alphabet Path
Catechism of the Good Shepherd presentations
Research about herbal medicines- look into for study in 4th term

Special Days:
May Day celebrations; cake and maypole and games (1st) Last years May Day
Our Wedding Anniversary (2nd)
Rogan's Birthday (3rd)
International Star Wars Day (4th)
Tchaikovsky's Birthday (8th)
Mothers Day (10th) Questionnaire from last year
Morans's Birthday (22nd)
Arwen's Baptism Anniversary (24th) Our Lady Help of Christians
Myffwyn's Baptism anniversary (29th) St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi /St Maximinus of Trier

Enjoy your Month

I love your plans for each month. Do you have any resources on making a crown for a May crowning? I wanted to make a crown but I have no idea how to do so. :/
You are such a blessing and an encouragement~
Hope all is well with you~ Cinnamon
Dear Kim,
I have been hoping to get back all day.
I am feeling sick though and going to bed. Have some ideas for you tomorrow...hopefully.
Dear Cinnamon,
I feel the same about you
blessings to you both
My goodness Gae, how do you keep up with it all....I nearly got exhausted just reading your months plans.
Your plans sound wonderful.
Hope your feeling better.
Take care & God Bless, Robyn.
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